Playing with the Blog.

I have added in a sub page under the “CCNP Route” page containing all the extra reading materials and media that I come across during my studies, it also includes my ANKI flash cards. However not a huge amount there yet but it will grow along with the post count.

Apart from that not much happening tonight here, been playing with LINUX and webservers again today. Currently looking at setting up an SMTP server, which is something I have not done before on Linux so that should be fun 🙂

I have  had a little bit more of a play with EIGRP so gearing up for the next post for CCNP ROUTE. I also want to lab out some more STP and QoS from the CCNP SWITCH, I am now in two minds if I should go back and retake the SWITCH as looking back over it I have a horrid feeling I made a very silly mistake in how I approached one of the main simulation questions. In so much as the first time I took the exam some thing did not work and the exam crashed, so I assumed that I could not do what I wanted. However from other peoples comments it seems this is not the case. I am still not happy with CISCO approach to this exam but I would really like to pass it. I know I can do it and I would love to get my CCNP by early next year.

However there something to get out of the way before then (talk more about that soon), and work is busy, so will have to see how things turn out.
