This page is for all the time I have come across some thing so useful, that I have it filed away in a folder at work ready for times of need. Lots more to come!
- Configuration Guides CISCO The starting point for all CISCO configuration guides, Very handy to have bookmarked.
- Copying Configurations using Xmodem Some times when consoled to a cisco device that has no network connection, it is useful to be able to send a configuration or other small file. Using the Xmodem protocol can be a simple way to do it.
- Enable SSH on CISCO Switch / Router. A simply step by step guide to enable SSH on CISCO devices.
- How to Recover Corrupted IOS Walk through to recover a CISCO switch / router that fails to boot due to IOS missing or corrupted
- Tips for setting up your Cisco Lab If you are thinking of setting up a CISCO lab, here are a few tips to help you on your way
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