CCNP Route

Well I Official started my ROUTE studies last night. 🙂 Back when I started this blog I was already well in to my study of the SWITCH material, and like wise creating Flashcard pack I made up with Anki was a rushed job as I went over the material. So I know neither the blog or the cards are really suitable for any one but me to use for studying.However for the ROUTE I want to do things correctly, even if this means it take me a little longer to achieve. I hope (and please let me know if I don’t) to post around two or three Lab based posts for each of the major area’s of the ROUTE material. Including EIGRP, OSPF, IPv4, BGP, Redistribution and IPv6. These will be tagged in category with a quick link on the menu bar for easy access. I also will be attempting to make a much better set of Flash cards this time round, that are more suitable for using as revision / memory aid. I hope combined these will make useful addition materials to people studying for there ROUTE exam.

Of course along side the ROUTE posts, I will also be trying to keep up with other interesting things I come across both inside and outside of IT. We shall have to see how things go. But I hope over the next few months I can really start to fill out this blog and produce some thing that other people will find useful. After all half the fun in learning things is to be able to pass it on to others.

On a side note I came across this today, EIGRP disababled by default. This is interesting for two reasons. The first of course being that it is nice to see CISCO have listened and have set the default to what 95% of us have to manualy set it to any way :). And secondly this comes from Which is a new blog that Jeremy Cioara of CBT nuggets Fame is now posting on along with a fellow IT tec guru Adam. Another site to add to the Favourite bar, don’t worry if you forget it will be in the links above. 😉


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