Setting up Lock and Key

I remember searching around for ages looking for this solution a few years back, so I thought I would share it with you. Bear in mind that there are much more secure solutions around, such as 802.1x port based authentication. However these require a lot more setting up, not to mention the kit to support it. For what it is “Lock and Key” is one of these ideas that does exactly what it says on the tin..

So what exactly is it that “Lock and key” does any way. The idea behind it is to allow you to on demand open up access between subnet / networks. May be it is clearer if we look at the following digram.

Figure 1

In Figure 1 we have the IT PC’s, the users PC’s, the servers and the DRAC cards all on separate networks. If you have not come across DRAC cards before, they are an additional card that can be fitted to Dell servers, that have there own redundant NIC, if the server should crash, you can connect to the DRAC card and force a hard reboot among other things. Very useful for remote management of server! However as you can image not some thing you want to allow users near!!

So looking at the digram above you may place an access list on the incoming traffic from the user network ( to block any access to the DRAC network. While leaving the IT admin PC’s able to reach them. But what happens if you are at a users PC, the server has crashed and you need to reboot it? This is where the “Lock and Key” idea come in.

By using a dynamic Access list along with the user name auto command. you can on the fly open up the blocking access list you have created to allow the PC you are working on have access to the Drac network.

First we need to set up the a dynamic IP access list under global config, remember this access list has to be applied to the interface connection to the user PC’s, we will be applying it in the “in” direction.

ip access-list extended Lock-key
dynamic Dracacess timeout 60 permit ip any log
deny  ip any
deny ip any
permit ip any any

So before “lock and Key” is active users are prevented from accessing the IT unit PC’s and the Drac network, but have access to every thing else.

Next we set up the user we are going to use as the “Key”

username Dracs secret CISCO
username Dracs autocommand access-enable host timeout 15

So here we set up the user Drac and add the auto command to run when they log in. The 15 minute time out here is the idle time out. However as we have set an absolute time out above in the access list its self, this will log out the user after 60 minutes if they are active or not.

Lastly we need to go in to the interface that faces the users network and assing the Access list, and set the VTY line for telnet access and to use the local user database. so from global config again.

interface <ID>
ip access-group Lock-key in


vty 0 15

transport input telnet

login local


Now to use it is simple, from a users PC start a telnet session with the router, at the user name and password prompt users the user name of Drac and password configured. The connection will be droped by the user but you an extra line will be added to the access list along the lines of.

permit ip host log

Any you user PC now has access as long as it is sending data or until the limit of 60 minutes.

Of course you may not like using telnet and it is possible to use SSH (but then the user PC needs a ssh client installed), you can also change the port that the router listens for telnet or SSH on a VTY line. You can also apply the auto command to the VTY line so any one who logs on through that VTY line will trigger the lock and key. If you do this then you will need to set up some VTY lines to use one port with the autocommand config, and some other VTY lines to use a different port with out the autocommand. Other wise you will not be able to mange the router!!!

This Link covers some more examples.

As I said at the beginning there are much better ways to do this, 802.1x as i mentioned is just one of them and some thing I will cover in more detail soon.  But for a small/medium size networks, where cost is an issue, but you still want to add an extra bit of security. They are a nice way to restrict users, while allowing network admins to carry on working efficiently away from there desks.


USB Security Issues.

The US defence officials have recently released information about a security breach they suffered back in 2008.

Pentagon USB breach

It seems some one placed a USB flash drive in to a government computer that contained malicious code placed on it by a forigen intelligence agency. This spread to other systems and opened up the Defence network to allow data to be transferred to rogue servers.

USB seems to have become the new medium for spreading virus and malware, and to be honest its hardly a surprise. Many companies seem to react to the growing security threats by creating stronger and stronger network gateways. In many cases these become so secure and so restrictive that they prevent the staff they are designed to protect, from actual carrying out there jobs.

And then the problems really start, people start to despair at the work provided service and will carry out the downloads at home and bring them in on there USB sticks. Completely circumvention the security policies in place.

There is of course the option to restrict access to only authorised USB devices, but to actual set this up is a major headache, and a large cost is involved. Especially when the Client PC’s are spread over a number of sites and you don’t have complete and utter control over them. Also by restricting the USB devices you hit the same issue as when you lock down the firewalls. People unable to carry out there jobs effectively.

It’s surprises me the number of times a valid request from a user to run an application or run some java code, gets turned down with a “its against company security policy”, when what the help desk engineer really means is ” I don’t know what the security policy is and I don’t have the time to look in to this for you fully to see if we can help”.

When “security policies” effect the efficiency in how some one can do there work, or even worse push people to find ways around them, then there is a problem with them. Good security policies, and set ups should be invisible to the end user, they should also be implemented in such a way that when users have valid reasons that cause them to come up against them, there are clear processes of how to take it forward for quite and decisive resolution.

Losing your users confidence in this area, and they will go from helping to being the major week link in the system. Many companies seem to see there security policy as a fight against the stupidity and malicious activity of there user, shutting them out of this loop of IT. Rather the users should be a central part of the policies, when you think that a huge % of breaches are caused by user “error”, there education should be where at least some of the money that funds the security should go.

I know at home using some common sense I have managed to survive many years now with out any security issues with only a basic consumer hardware firewall (linksys), and some well known free virus software. Where as friends and family regularly hit issues despite having paid for every virus scanner under the sun.

Spending 10’s of thousands of pounds on software to block USB devices, and more on IPS scanning, and still more on you hardened firewall, you will still never cover all the bases, while giving your users the freedom they need, and as soon as they hit that wall they will look for ways around it.

Making a network secure is easy, making a secure network that is usable… That what require the skill.
